本文分析了发酵酸奶生产过程中原料乳的验收和标准化、杀菌条件、均质条件、加糖量、发酵剂质量和活力、接种量、发酵温度与时间、冷却速度、贮存温度等关键控制点对产品品质的影响。经过试验得知当原料乳的全脂乳质量含量为12%,加糖量为8%,70 ℃、20 MPa压力下均质,90~95 ℃杀菌5~10 min,保加利亚乳杆菌和嗜热链球菌混合菌(比例1:1,发酵活力﹥0.7)接种量为3%,43 ℃发酵4.5 h,发酵后迅速冷却就能有效控制酸奶的品质。
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Effects of the critical control points on the quality of the yoghourt, including the checking and standardization of raw milk, sterilization conditions, homogenization conditions, adding amount of sugar, incubation size, fermentation temperature and time, cooling rate, storage temperature, etc., were analyzed in this paper. Results showed that the yoghourt with the best quality was obtained under the following conditions: solid content of the whole milk of 12%, sugar content of 8%, homogenization temperature of 70 ℃, homogenization pressure of 20 MPa, sterilization temperature of 90~95 ℃, sterilization time of 5 min~10 min, incubation size of the mixed bacteria (lactobacillus bugaricus and streptococcus thermophilus,1:1, activity>0.7) of 3%, fermentation temperature of 43 ℃ and fermentation time of 4.5 h.