对红曲霉F4018菌株固定化(用海藻酸钙包埋法固定)液态发酵生产色素进行了研究。其整个发酵过程分为3个阶段:0~48 h为快速生长期,并伴随少量色素合成;48~96 h为平衡期,大量合成色素,占总色素的85%以上,其中红色素的合成速度超过黄色素的合成速度;96 h后衰老期,色素色价开始下降,但下降缓慢,持续时间长,发酵液的色调偏红。同传统的液态发酵具有两方面优势:(1)具有一样的生长期,较长、稳定的平衡期和缓慢的衰老期,非常有利于色素产量的提高。(2)多批次发酵后固定化细胞的稳定性表现仍然良好,适合现代工业化大规模生产的需要。
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The pigment production via liquid-state fermentation by monuscus F4018, immobilized on sodium alginate, was studied. In the first fermentation phase (0~48 h), the cells growth rapidly but only a small quantity of pigment was produced. In the balanced phase (48~96 h), pigments were produced in a great quantity (>85%) and the synthesis rate of the red pigment was higher than that of the yellow pigment. After 96 h, the pigment values became to slowly drop. Compared with the traditional pigment fermentation, the immobilized cell mediated fermentation had similar cell growth phase, longer and more stable balanced phase and slower decline phase, which was more favorable for the pigment production. Besides, the immobilized cells showed higher operational stability, suitable for the modern industry with a large scale.