本文运用实时荧光PCR(Real-time PCR)技术建立了对食品中常见的乳酸杆菌进行检测的快速方法。针对乳酸杆菌16S rDNA序列,设计了通用引物和特异性探针,进行TaqManTM实时PCR检测,以非同源性参考菌株做特异性检测;把乳酸杆菌菌株稀释成不同梯度,做灵敏度检测。实验结果表明用实时荧光PCR 法检测乳酸杆菌,快速、敏感、特异性高。
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In this article ,we established a rapid method for detection of Lactobacillus in food using real-time PCR technique. General primers and specific probes were designed to detect the 16S rDNA sequence of Lactobacillus by TaqManTM real-time PCR assays using non-homologous strains for specific test. The results indicated this method was rapid, sensitive and with high specificity for the detection of Lactobacillus in food.