以硒酸精氨酸(ASe)为有机硒源培养富硒酵母,并添加维生素E(VE)观察其对富硒的协同作用。分别以不同添加量和时间在培养基中添加ASe,在添加硒浓度为120 mg/L时补加不同浓度维生素E,用称重法测定生长曲线,原子荧光光度计测硒含量。结果可见与二氧化硒(SeO2)相比,添加ASe对酵母生长没有抑制作用,培养酵母4 h后添加120 mg/L硒,8 h收获,酵母硒含量达到87.0051 μg/g干酵母。维生素E能促进酵母生长,但对硒含量无明显影响。因此ASe能被酿酒酵母富集。
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to investigate the coordinated effect of vitamin E(VE) on the selenium enrichment of a rich selenium yeast using selenoarginine as the organic selenium resource. Selenoarginine was added into the medium at different concentration and in different fermentation time and Vitamin E was also added with different concentration into the medium containing 120 mg/L selenium. Weighing method and atomy fluorescent photometer were accepted to determine the growth curve and selenium content, respectively. Unlike with SeO2, selenoarginine had little inhibition effect on the growth of the yeast. Selenoarginine (120 mg/L) was added after 4 hour-fermentation of yeast and the selenium content could reach 87.0055 μg/g dry yeast after fermentated for 8 hours. It was also found that VE stimulated the growth of the yeast, but had little effect on the enrichment of selenium.