本文以蒜头为原料,用蜂蜜对大蒜进行脱臭的机理、方法、工艺参数进行探讨,开发相应的营养食品。先将蒜头置于95 ℃水中烫漂2 min,再将大蒜质量1.5倍的蜂蜜加入后脱臭11 min,并进行打浆、罐装等加工,从而制得既有浓郁蒜蜜香味、保存大蒜有效的营养成分(大蒜素和SOD酶),又无蒜臭、方便食用的高级保健风味食品。
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The mechanism, methods and processing parameters of remove the unpleasant smell of the garlic by honey was studied here to produce a kind of food with high nutrition. The raw material garlic was scalded with water at 95 ℃ for 2 min and deodorized with honey. The ratio of honey to galic was 1.5(g/g). Then, 0.8%, NaCl, 0.5‰ actric acid and 0.5‰ monosodium glut was added to the crud product. The final product, which had strong garlic smell, honey smell and high nutrition, was shown to be a kind of instant and health food.