新鲜雷笋经过1-MCP处理后在10 ℃下贮藏10 d,研究了1-MCP对雷笋感官品质、色差、可溶性蛋白质含量以及褐变等的影响。结果表明:50 μL/L 1-MCP可以保持雷笋较高的感官品质和Hw值,维持较高的可溶性蛋白质含量,抑制贮藏中后期多酚的合成和贮藏前中期PPO活性的上升,从而延缓了雷笋的褐变和衰老过程,使雷笋在10 ℃下的货架期至少延长到7 d。
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Fresh bamboo shoots were treatment with 1-methylcyclpropene (1-MCP) and then stored at 10 ℃ for 10 days. Effects of 1-MCP treatment on the sensory quality, color, soluble protein content and browning of bamboo shoots were investigated. The results indicated that the treatment of bamboo shoots with 50 μL/L of 1-MCP could maintain high sensory quality, Hw value and soluble protein content of bamboo shoots during cold storage. The treatment might inhibit the synthesis of polyphenol during the middle and later storage periods and lower the PPO activity in bamboo shoots during the earlier and middle storage periods. Accordingly, the use of 1-MCP could delay the browning and senescence of bamboo shoots and extend its shelf life at 10 ℃ to more than 7 days.