本研究以苹果原浆为主要原料,对苹果果肉饮料生产工艺及配方进行了研究,通过对各操作要点、工艺参数及对各辅料的添加量的对比实验,得出了制作色香味俱佳的苹果果肉饮料的配方。其配方为:苹果原浆45%,白砂糖7.5%,果葡糖浆2.5%,酒石酸0.011%,苹果酸0.020%,抗坏血酸0.05%,黄原胶0.06%,CMC 0.05%,乙基麦芽酚5~10 mg/L,香精18088# 0.003%,香精10057# 0.006%,适量的天然β-胡萝卜素,另还可添加适量其它果汁来强化口味。
[Key word]
The study uses raw apple pulp as major material to systematically research the preparation of apple pulp beverage. The best formula for preparation of apple pulp beverage with good color, flavor and aroma is as follows: 45% apple raw juice, 7.5% sugar, 2.5% fructose syrups, 0.011% tartaric acid, 0.020% malic acid, 0.05% ascorbic acid, 0.06% Xanthan gum, 0.05% CMC, 5~10 mg/L ethyel maltol, 0.003% essence 8088#, 0.006% essence 10057# and a suitable dosage of β-carotene. It is also found that adding some other syrup can improve its flavor.